It’s time to come alive.

The Alive Experience Coaching Programs

Our programs are designed to guide you in reaching further than ever before in your business and in your life. Your dreams are never too big. It’s time to go after them.

It’s time to come alive.

The Alive Experience Coaching Programs

Our programs are designed to guide you in reaching further than ever before in your business and in your life. Your dreams are never too big. It’s time to go after them.



Unlock Your Full Potential with Thinking Into Results


Unlock Your Full Potential with Thinking Into Results

Our Signature 6-month transformative program is designed to revolutionise your business and life.

If you’ve been seeking to break through your barriers and unlock the potential within, we’re here to help you do it.


What You’ll Discover…


  • Get crystal clear on your business and life goals: Without a clear vision, it’s difficult to see the path ahead. It’s time to discover what truly drives you, identify your core values, and set powerful goals that align with your passions and aspirations.
  • Identify and transform limiting beliefs: Uncover the beliefs and habits that have been holding you back from reaching your full potential. Through expert guidance and proven techniques, you will rewire your thinking, cultivate empowering beliefs, and develop productive habits that enhance your efficiency and productivity.


  • Foster creative problem-solving: Ignite your creativity and tap into your innovative thinking. Learn how to approach challenges with a fresh perspective and uncover unique solutions. When you can master these two skills, you’ll have the ability to propel your success to new heights.

  • Harness the power of your mind: The power to succeed beyond your wildest dreams is already within you. This program will help you to unlock it. It’s time to tap into the immense power of your mind. By developing a profound understanding of your mind’s capabilities, you’ll be able to utilise its full potential to achieve your goals.

  • Cultivate a winning self-image: We limit ourselves through our own perception of ourselves. Get ready to shift your focus from past results and external comparisons. Develop a winning self-image that empowers you to believe in your abilities, embrace your uniqueness, and confidently pursue your dreams.

  • Overcome fears and take decisive action: Conquer your fears and break through the barriers that have been holding you back. Gain the tools and strategies to take bold action, even in the face of uncertainty, and propel yourself forward towards success.


  • Embrace a positive attitude: Learn the true essence of having a positive attitude and master the art of mindset transformation. Align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions to create a focused and productive mindset that drives your success.

  • Develop leadership qualities: Become a catalyst for positive change by developing leadership qualities. Create a supportive and empowering environment that appreciates and values individuals for who they are and the work they contribute.

  • Sustain long-term success: Discover effective strategies to sustain your success and continue growing your business. Gain insights into continuous improvement, strategic planning, and leveraging opportunities to reach new levels of achievement.


At the heart of this program is adventure. This is a journey you will take to better yourself and through the skills you learn, better your business. It's time to create the extraordinary life and business you deserve.

Join us for the Thinking Into Results program and experience the transformative power of aligning your mindset, beliefs, and actions to achieve unparalleled success.

Your journey starts now.

Join the Program


Ignite Your Path to Success with the Goal-Setting Program.


Ignite Your Path to Success with the Goal-Setting Program.

Welcome to the two-week Goal-Setting Program that’s going to help transform your dreams into a reality. This is a journey towards increased clarity, meaningful action and ultimate success.

This program is designed to empower you with the tools and support necessary to define your goals and make decisive action towards achieving them. We combine personalised coaching, group facilitation, and exclusive access to a supportive community to help you achieve a profound shift in your mindset and gain the momentum needed to achieve your desires.

Join our Goal-Setting Program and experience the transformative power of clarity, action, and accountability. Together, we will propel you towards the life you envision, one goal at a time. Don't wait another moment—start your journey today.


Join the Program


Elevate Your Success with the 6 am Club's "Win the Morning" Program


Elevate Your Success with the 6 am Club's "Win the Morning" Program

  • Supercharge your productivity, boost your personal growth, and connect with a community of like-minded individuals. Introducing the "Win the Morning" program exclusively for Thinking Into Results (TIR) graduates.
  • Join our dynamic study group, meeting every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 6 am, as we delve into the profound teachings of Thinking Into Results and explore other valuable business and personal development materials. This three-day-a-week commitment is designed to empower you with ongoing learning, inspiration, and support to continuously elevate your success. Think of it like a brain-boosting vitamin to kick off your day.
  • Engage in lively discussions, share insights, and gain deeper clarity on the principles and strategies that drive extraordinary results. Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow TIR graduates, harnessing the power of collective knowledge and accountability.
  • Discover the transformative potential of starting your day with intention, focus, and personal growth. The "Win the Morning" program will equip you with the tools, mindset, and motivation to optimise your mornings and set the stage for a day of achievement and progress.

Please note that this exclusive program is available only to graduates of Thinking Into Results. If you are ready to take your success to the next level and create a life of abundance, join the "Win the Morning" program and embrace the power of intentional mornings. Together, we will continue our journey of growth and achievement.


Who is this for?

To all the go-getters, future leaders and pathfinders, at Alive Experience, we understand the unique challenges and aspirations of our clients. Our programs are designed especially for you if you are…

Aspiring Entrepreneurs:

You’ve had enough of the corporate world. It’s not fulfilling you or serving you any longer. Alive Experience is here to guide you through the transition to self-employment. We get it. The financial uncertainty can be intimidating. All the unknowns and unanswered questions are overwhelming. We’ve helped countless clients, in the same position as you, to use our proven strategies to gain the confidence and clarity to create a thriving business on their terms. Embrace the freedom of entrepreneurship whilst being supported every step of the way.

Solopreneurs or Freelancers in the Creative Industries:

As a solopreneur or freelancer, you pour your heart and soul into your work, yet often find yourself overworked, underpaid, and stressed. We're here to help you reignite your passion, regain your sense of purpose, and achieve the results you desire. Our programs provide practical tools to optimise your business, enhance your productivity, and create the financial abundance you deserve.

Business Owners Ready for the Next Level:

If you've already built a successful business, but feel stuck or uncertain about what's next, we're here to provide the clarity, guidance, and support you need. Our programs help you identify new opportunities, develop effective strategies, and create a positive, growth-oriented environment within your organisation. Together, we’ll work to take your business to new heights and experience sustained success.

What makes Alive Experience different?

  • Holistic & Results-Driven Approach
    Success is not solely based on financial achievements. You must also find balance, fulfilment and joy in every aspect of life.
  • Mindset Transformation Meets Practical Tools
    To achieve tangible, measurable results we combine mindset transformation with practical tools.
  • Experienced Guidance
    With over a decade of learning within the personal development field and a Diploma in Business, Executive Life Coaching, you’re in safe hands throughout your journey.
  • Vibrant Community
    You are never alone on your path towards greater success. You’ll have access to our incredible community of business owners, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs to hold you accountable and inspire you to push forward.

Take the leap and join us at Alive Experience. Together, we'll navigate the challenges, tap into your unique strengths, and chart a course towards a more fulfilling and abundant future. It's time to live life on your own terms.

Are you ready to embrace the possibilities?

Let's get started on your transformative journey with Alive Experience.

Alive Experience: Your Life On Your Terms

"Your Life on Your Terms."

Alive Experience: Your Life On Your Terms

"Your Life on Your Terms."




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